Short & Sweet
That’s what I call week five of Freshmeat. We had a slightly shorter session this week and we didn’t get around to learning how to skate backwards. However, we did get to practice our other skills a lot: gliding on one skate, stopping and weaving. I’m happy with the way it turned out – the extra practice time was great! You know that moment when you start to get a good feel for something and think to yourself “just a couple more tries and I’ll own this” and then whistle blows and it’s time to move to something new? That didn’t happen this week! We just got to skate what we’ve learned so far, practice and improve with a bonus boost of confidence. To short and sweet, I’ll add productive and fun with a glorious feeling of success!
Thanks again Cambridge Rollerbillies for another fun week and special thanks to Smacktivist who coached us. If you are interested in becoming Fresh Meat, keep your eyes on the Cambridge Rollerbillies webpage and Facebook page.
I’ll leave you with this little funny while I celebrate week five – the mid-point of my Fresh Meat training.