by KJM | 3 Jan, 2016 | Rants & Raves
That’s right, all the same train smart and eat smart rules from last year are still in effect. Here’s a little refresher to jog your memory. Technique Technique gets you results fast and keep you safe from injury. Always work within the capacity to...
by KJM | 2 Jan, 2016 | Rants & Raves
Let’s be honest, the new year doesn’t change you, resolutions won’t change you and real change will not happen overnight or over a week or even a month. Change is possible and comes from hard work and dedication, courage and acceptance, and patience...
by KJM | 6 May, 2015 | Rants & Raves
I’ve never been one to believe or promote fad diets, diet pills, weight loss supplements or quick fixes. I certainly don’t believe in a certain body type or in exercising and eating well for the purpose of looking a certain way. I have always encourage...