by KJM | 28 Jun, 2016 | Fitness, Instructor Life
Jam Club I just wanted to take a moment to once again say THANK YOU to all the ladies who joined us for Jam Club last Wednesday night. Oh what a night it turned out to be. I expected a certain level of EPIC and HOTNESS! We got more: The energy was through the roof and...
by KJM | 26 Jun, 2016 | Instructor Life
The Tenderiser Wow! Seven weeks done already. The sessions have been rolling by quickly. So far, week seven has been the best week! Of course, without all the previous weeks, week seven wouldn’t even be possible. This week’s skills conssited of...
by KJM | 12 Jun, 2016 | Instructor Life
The Legendary Life-Lesson Week six was full-on legendary with a sprinkle of fright. First, we learned to skate backwards. Having already learned to ice skate backwards in my youth, this skill went from rusty to confident pretty quickly. Then the scary...
by KJM | 9 Jun, 2016 | Instructor Life
Short & Sweet That’s what I call week five of Freshmeat. We had a slightly shorter session this week and we didn’t get around to learning how to skate backwards. However, we did get to practice our other skills a lot: gliding on one skate,...
by KJM | 9 Jun, 2016 | Fitness
The Rules of Jam Club The first & second rules of Jam Club The third rule of Jam Club The fourth rule of Jam Club The fifth rule of Jam Club The sixth rule of Jam Club The seventh rule of Jam Club. The eighth and final rule of Jam Club JAM CLUB Date &...